Billing Medicare for Counseling Services

As of January 1, 2024, the following services are now Medicare-billable, even when provided by professionals how are not licensed social workers or psychologists, as in the past:

  1. Marriage and family therapy services
  2. Mental health counseling services

As such, you may be billing Medicare for these services and should be tracking them for the Medicare cost report. Expenses should be tracked, and, for facilities who report visit counts on their cost reports, such as FQHC’s and RHC’s, encounters should be tracked, as well. As with all other cost reporting items, you should be tracking amounts for all payors, not just Medicare, while making sure that you will be able to break out encounters by payor.

The above is in accordance with the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, §4121

The Medicare cost reports for hospice, provider-based hospice, FQHC, and RHC will be revised to reflect these changes.

It should be noted that, since this regulation came into effect as of January 1, 2024, the 12/31/2023 c

As of January 1, 2024, the following services are now Medicare-billable, even when provided by professionals how are not licensed social workers or psychologists, as in the past:

  1. Marriage and family therapy services
  2. Mental health counseling services

As such, you may be billing Medicare for these services and should be tracking them for the Medicare cost report. Expenses should be tracked, and, for facilities who report visit counts on their cost reports, such as FQHC’s and RHC’s, encounters should be tracked, as well. As with all other cost reporting items, you should be tracking amounts for all payors, not just Medicare, while making sure that you will be able to break out encounters by payor.

The above is in accordance with the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, §4121

The Medicare cost reports for hospice, provider-based hospice, FQHC, and RHC will be revised to reflect these changes.

It should be noted that, since this regulation came into effect as of January 1, 2024, the 12/31/2023 cost reports will not yet reflect these services as Medicare allowable.

Need help preparing your cost report?  At PPS we have over forty years of cost reporting experience and are happy to share our expertise with you!  Contact us now for cost reporting assistance.

For information or assistance, we are, as always, here to help! Contact Us via emailwebsite, or call 800-447-2540248-968-4100 for our renowned customer service.

Disclaimer:  This blog does not contain legal advice. What it does contain are our best
explanations, advice, and suggestions to help facilities and cost report preparers to understand the cost report forms and reporting process and offer suggestions for their preparation. Progressive Provider Services assumes no legal responsibility for the content of this blog, nor for cost reports or other reports prepared based on the content herein.

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